Radiation Technicians at Consolidated Nuclear Securities Y12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN WIN!

Radiation Technicians at Consolidated Nuclear Securities Y12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN voted on December 13, 2017 to join Local 252C of the ICWUC. The Union received 74% of the vote. The workers wanted a voice in their workplace, an end to “at will” employment, and to become a part of local 252C, The Atomic Trades and Labor Council and The ICWUC. President Greg Malone, Chief Steward James Woody, Jackie Martin Recording Secretary, Chris Beatty Secretary Treasurer, Thomas Duncan Vice President and the members of local 252C played a key part in putting this win together. President Greg Malone said “I would like to think the members who worked hard to make this happen. I would also like to thank Charles Smith and Rhonda Hawn for helping our committee understand the complex issues associated with the Rad Techs.” The ICWUC is proud to welcome these workers to our Union and look forward to helping them negotiate their first contract.